Error 001: missing closing brace Error 002: missing main Error 003: missing include file Error 004: function not found Error 005: variable not found Error 006: unclosed string literal Error 007: type mismatch in assignment Error 008: no such overload Error 009: multiple main Error 010: function redeclaration Error 011: define imported function Error 012: use undefined function Error 013: export undefined function Error 014: redefined function with different formal names Error 015: redefined function with different return types Error 016: modifying immutable argument Error 017: passing immutable variable to mutable argument Error 018: invalid function name 1 Error 019: invalid function name 2 Error 020: invalid function name 3 Error 021: invalid function name 4 Error 022: invalid function name 5 Error 023: invalid function name 6 Error 024: invalid function name 7 Error 025: invalid function name 8 Error 026: missing formal parameter name Error 027: double operator declaration Error 028: import and export the same operator Error 029: declare and export the same operator Error 030: declare and import the same operator Error 031: multiple local variable declaration Error 032: multiple function argument names Error 033: bad range based foreach (type mismatch) Error 034: bad range based foreach (modifying loop variable) Error 035: bad range based foreach (missing 'to' expression) Error 036: bad range based foreach (missing 'from' expression) Error 037: bad range based foreach (missing closing brace) Error 038: bad range based foreach (type mismatch) Error 039: bad range based foreach (type mismatch) Error 040: bad container based foreach (not a container) Error 041: pure uses impure function Error 042: return statement missing Error 043: pure refers to a global variable Error 044: precondition is not 'bool' Error 045: postcondition is not 'bool' Error 046: precondition is not pure Error 047: postcondition is not pure Error 048: missing return from 'then' branch of 'if' statement Error 049: missing return from 'else' branch of 'if' statement Error 050: function declaration is pure, definition is impure Error 051: function declaration is impure, definition is pure Error 052: exporting record with local type Error 053: exporting function with argument type of a local Error 054: exporting function with return type of a local Error 055: exporting function with argument/return type of a local Error 056: no such field in record Error 057: type of record field mismatch Error 058: modifying an immutable record Error 059: the wrong code which caused crash in the v0.9.0.0 compiler Error 060: postcond's old values are unaccessable from body Error 061: global variable can not be old-value in postcond Error 062: sequence literal (first form) in a wrong assignment Error 063: sequence literal (first form) in a wrong initialization Error 064: sequence literal (second form) with a wrong initializer Error 065: sequence literal (third form) with a wrong initializer Error 066: return in finally Error 067: too large 32-bit literal (dec) Error 068: too large 32-bit literal (bin) Error 069: too large 32-bit literal (hex) Error 070: too large 32-bit literal (oct) Error 071: too large 64-bit literal (dec) Error 072: too large 64-bit literal (bin) Error 073: too large 64-bit literal (hex) Error 074: too large 64-bit literal (oct) Error 075: invalid record literal (initexpr form) Error 076: invalid record literal (assign form, duplicate field) Error 077: invalid record literal (assign form, unknown field) Error 078: invalid record literal (assign form, field type mismatch) Error 079: invalid record literal (initexpr is smaller) Error 080: invalid record literal (initexpr is longer) Error 081: reused data type constructor Error 082: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (1) Error 083: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (2) Error 084: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (3) Error 085: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (4) Error 086: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (5) Error 087: type mismatch when using a data type constructor (6) Error 088: using foreign constructor in switch statement Error 089: multiple use of a constructor in switch statement Error 090: mixed constructor usage in switch statement Error 091: unused constructor in switch statement Error 092: reused constructor argument in switch statement Error 093: multiple default constructors in datatype Error 094: invalid expression used in switch Error 095: non-datatype expression used in switch Error 096: ambiguous data type constructor Error 097: datatype which is not default constructible Error 098: datatype in record which is not default constructible Error 099: datatype which is not default constructible (in global) Error 100: partially filled non default constructible record Error 101: function type is not default constructible Error 102: function type in record is not default constructible Error 103: initializing with an incompatible function type (argument type do not match) Error 104: initializing with an incompatible function type (return type do not match) Error 105: initializing a pure function type with an impure function Error 106: assigning an undefinied function to function type Error 107: reuse a function type name in a function declaration Error 108: changing a function pointer in global from function (1) Error 109: changing a function pointer in global from function (2) Error 110: changing a function pointer in global from function (3) Error 111: changing a function pointer in global from function (4) Error 112: passing function pointer in global to argument function Error 113: store the returned function pointer of an argument function to global Error 114: initialize a local with the returned function pointer of an argument function Error 115: store the function pointer from a formal datatype to local Error 116: store the returned function pointer of an argument function to local Error 117: importing limited record with fields Error 118: limited record is not default constructible (local variable) Error 119: limited record is not default constructible (global variable) Error 120: initializing a function type with different mutable setting (not allowed) Error 121: calling a function pointer with bad arity Error 122: accessing the member of a non-existing variable Error 123: accessing local variable in exception handler Error 124: accessing local variable in finally Error 125: hiding a builtin Error 126: copying an imported limited record (1) Error 127: copying an imported limited record (2) Error 128: copying an imported limited record (3) Error 129: sequence of imported limited record Error 130: sequence of wrapped imported limited record Error 131: self-referring initialization Error 132: duplicate enumerators Error 133: default contructing enum Error 134: missing case in enum switch Error 135: mixing enum and data type cases in switch Error 136: mixing different enumerators Error 137: constant is too large (i8) Error 138: constant is too large (u8) Error 139: constant is too large (i16) Error 140: constant is too large (u16) Error 141: unhandled control path Error 142: illegal function symbol in comparison (1) Error 143: illegal function symbol in comparison (2) Error 144: impure function argument for a pure function Error 145: invalid record update (1) Error 146: invalid record update (2) Error 147: invalid record update (3) Error 148: invalid record update (4) Error 149: invalid record update (5) Error 150: invalid record update (6) Error 151: indexing with i8 Error 152: indexing with i16 Error 153: indexing with i32 Error 154: indexing with i64 Error 155: indexing with u64 Error 156: indexing with char Error 157: indexing with bool Error 158: indexing with string Error 159: indexing with record Error 160: indexing with datatype Test 000: Smallest binary Test 001: Hello World! Test 002: Hello World! with ctor and dtor Test 003: Hello World! with function Test 004: handle comparison test Test 005: boolean functions Test 006: integer arithmetic test Test 007: test integer sqrt Test 008: test string and character functions Test 009: test lazy &&& and ||| Test 010: integer conversions Test 011: integer comparison Test 012: float conversions Test 013: float comparison Test 014: float sqrt Test 015: if statement Test 016: local variable Test 017: function arguments Test 018: return values Test 019: recursive functions Test 020: exception and finally Test 021: assignment Test 022: while, do-while and for loops Test 023: imported exception, raise and raisenear Test 024: exported exception Test 025: exceptions through programs Test 026: function export/import Test 027: exception through imported function Test 028: simple record test Test 029: record with string test Test 030: assign simple record Test 031: assign record with string Test 032: exported record Test 033: exported private record Test 034: exported private record with string Test 035: exported nested private record Test 036: sequence create, copy, delete, and seqlen Test 037: string indexing Test 038: seqfill and indexing Test 039: subseq Test 040: lov and hiv Test 041: hirem and lorem Test 042: loext and hiext Test 043: lopop and hipop Test 044: seqfill and indexing for seq Test 045: subseq for seq Test 046: lov and hiv for seq Test 047: hirem and lorem for seq Test 048: loext and hiext for seq Test 049: lopop and hipop for seq Test 050: file operations (freadln) Test 051: file operations (feof) Test 052: file operations (fwrite) Test 053: file operations (fread) Test 054: sorting sequences Test 055: directory listing Test 056: overload existing operator Test 057: declaration of a new operator Test 058: operator import/export Test 059: unused function imports Test 060: access to toplevel local variable in main{} Test 061: global variables (integers) Test 062: global variables (strings) Test 063: initialize global with global Test 064: modify global variables Test 065: range based foreach Test 066: range based foreach on characters Test 067: extremal range based foreach situations Test 068: range based foreach on 64 bit integers Test 069: range based foreach with 'which' and 'while' Test 070: container based foreach on string Test 071: container based foreach on seq Test 072: container based foreach on seq Test 073: assertions Test 074: precondition Test 075: postcondition Test 076: postcondition with integer return value Test 077: postcondition with string argument and integer return value Test 078: postcondition with string argument and string return value Test 079: precond and postcond with integers Test 080: foreach on string with while/which Test 081: function returns from 'if' statement Test 082: foreach on a temporary seq Test 083: foreach on a temporary seq Test 084: return coverage with 'raise' Test 085: record in global Test 086: seq in global Test 087: seq in global with IndexOutOfRangeException Test 088: finally in main Test 089: modifying a mutable record Test 090: call the version() builtin Test 091: sequence literal, first form Test 092: sequence literal, second form (length only) Test 093: sequence literal, second form (content) Test 094: sequence literal, third form (length only) Test 095: sequence literal, third form (content) Test 096: sequence literal as a temporary Test 097: sequence literal with a complex initializer Test 098: sequence literal initializer with temporary string Test 099: sequence literal initializer with string variable Test 100: initialize a sequence literal using functions Test 101: nested loops to find a Pythagorean triple (sum is 1000) Test 102: use a temporary sequence literal of int Test 103: use a temporary sequence literal of string Test 104: use twice a temporary sequence literal of string Test 105: use multiple times a temporary sequence literal of string and consume it Test 106: convert out-of-range values Test 107: nested records and sequence Test 108: nested records and sequence (extended) Test 109: identifier as an operator Test 110: record literal (empty form) Test 111: record literal (initexpr form) Test 112: record literal (assigns form) Test 113: record literal (initexpr form, expressions) Test 114: record literal (different types) Test 115: record literal (returning with temporary) Test 116: record literal with string member Test 117: nested record literal Test 118: sequence literal from record literals Test 119: record literal from sequence literal Test 120: modulo on floating point Test 121: convert i64 and u64 to f32 Test 122: declaration of a data type Test 123: declaration of a recursive data type Test 124: using a simple data type Test 125: reference to global variable in variable declaration Test 126: using a recursive data type Test 127: processing a simple data type Test 128: iterate on a recursive data type (1) Test 129: iterate on a recursive data type (2) Test 130: iterate on a recursive data type (3) Test 131: iterate on a recursive data type (4) Test 132: copy a simple datatype Test 133: copy a datatype which contains string Test 134: copy the List datatype Test 135: copy and process a binary tree datatype Test 136: import/export the List datatype and a function for the datatype Test 137: import/export a datatype which contains string Test 138: import/export a binary tree datatype Test 139: datatype in global (1) Test 140: datatype in global (2) Test 141: datatype in global (3) Test 142: tolower and toupper Test 143: endian query and conversions Test 144: datatype in global with user ctor Test 145: duplicate data constructor names in different data types Test 146: string comparison operators Test 147: string trim function Test 148: simple AST demo Test 149: multiple global blocks with integers Test 150: multiple global blocks with integers and user ctor/dtor Test 151: multiple global blocks with strings Test 152: multiple global blocks with strings and user ctor/dtor Test 153: conversion from character to integer and vica versa Test 154: bad character conversions Test 155: datatype without default constructor (local) Test 156: datatype without default constructor (temporary) Test 157: datatype without default constructor (in record) Test 158: copying datatype without default constructor Test 159: copying datatype without default constructor (in record) Test 160: datatype without default constructor (in global) Test 161: testing stack overflow exception Test 162: default constructed seq with non default constructible type Test 163: seq literal with non default constructible type Test 164: declaring a function type Test 165: export a function type Test 166: using function type in a local variable Test 167: calling a function pointer Test 168: calling a temporary function pointer Test 169: using builtin with function pointer Test 170: using generated function with function pointer Test 171: advanced using generated function with function pointer Test 172: standalone generated function with function pointer Test 173: import/export function type Test 174: function pointer from an imported function Test 175: assigning value to function type Test 176: assigning a pure function to an impure function type Test 177: test collector of function pointers (internal compiler test) Test 178: new substr() string function Test 179: new string functions (empty, startswith, endswith) Test 180: testing whether a sequence is empty Test 181: test limited record Test 182: initializing a function type with different mutable setting (allowed) Test 183: calling operator with the string syntax Test 184: calling a function with the string syntax Test 185: file open and test EOF Test 186: new string functions (chars) Test 187: new string functions (copies) Test 188: new string functions (strstr and strrstr) Test 189: new string functions (strchr and strrchr) Test 190: new string functions (strspn and strcspn) Test 191: new string functions (strchr2 and strrchr2) Test 192: new string functions (strspn2 and strcspn2) Test 193: new string functions (strtok) Test 194: new situation for the function collector (internal test) Test 195: copying file handle Test 196: advanced test of limited record Test 197: strcpy test Test 198: make multiple copies from a datatype Test 199: user-space file handle (1) Test 200: user-space file handle (2) Test 201: separated access for multiple values in data type instance Test 202: sequence of a record that contains data type Test 203: new strstr and strrstr variants Test 204: copy and index mutable string Test 205: substr corner case Test 206: test integer sqrt (take 2) Test 207: default initialized variable inside a loop Test 208: strtok corner cases Test 209: declare enum Test 210: enum variable Test 211: switch on enum Test 212: enum successor and predecessor (1) Test 213: enum successor and predecessor (2) Test 214: compare enums Test 215: enum to ordinal and ordinal to enum Test 216: convert enum to string Test 217: enum to string and string to enum Test 218: export and import enum Test 219: mixing enum and data type Test 220: 8-bit and 16-bit integer types Test 221: 8-bit and 16-bit integer conversions (1) Test 222: 8-bit and 16-bit integer conversions (2) Test 223: 8-bit and 16-bit integer conversions (3) Test 224: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (1) Test 225: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (2) Test 226: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (3) Test 227: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (4) Test 228: floating point operation (pow, atan2) Test 229: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (5) Test 230: 16-bit integer endianness conversion Test 231: 8-bit and 16-bit integer operations (6) Test 232: sequences in foreach statements Test 233: sequence of unsigned byte Test 234: 8-bit and 16-bit integer conversions (1) Test 235: 8-bit and 16-bit integer conversions (2) Test 236: function ends with if Test 237: testing freadstr(file,char) Test 238: read and write seq Test 239: read and write seq Test 240: sequence of long Test 241: more detailed enum test Test 242: export private record with local record member (1) Test 243: export private record with local record member (2) Test 244: missing destructor code generation in v0.9.2.9 Test 245: read and write seq Test 246: read and write seq Test 247: read and write seq Test 248: read and write seq Test 249: read and write seq Test 250: read and write seq Test 251: read and write seq Test 252: read and write seq Test 253: record update (1) Test 254: record update (2) Test 255: record update (3) Test 256: record update (4) Test 257: record update (5) Test 258: record update (6) Test 259: record update (7) Test 260: record update (8) Test 261: character classification (iscntrl) Test 262: character classification (isprint) Test 263: character classification (isspace) Test 264: character classification (isblank) Test 265: character classification (isgraph) Test 266: character classification (ispunct) Test 267: character classification (isalnum) Test 268: character classification (isalpha) Test 269: character classification (isupper) Test 270: character classification (islower) Test 271: character classification (isdigit) Test 272: character classification (isxdigit) Test 273: index with all kind of integers Test 274: include test